English to afrikaans meaning of

Die woordeboekbetekenis van die woord "opgestaan" is die verlede deelwoord van die werkwoord "styg", wat beteken om opwaarts te beweeg of om in hoogte, vlak of volume toe te neem. Dit kan ook verwys na iets wat tot stand gekom het of prominensie is, of na die daad om uit die bed op te staan nadat jy geslaap het. "Opgestaan" kan ook as 'n byvoeglike naamwoord gebruik word om iets te beskryf wat opgewek is of weer lewend gemaak is, of om iets te beskryf wat in waarde of belangrikheid toegeneem het.

Sentence Examples

  1. Jack stood, his temper risen too far for him to sit still.
  2. Her desire to escape had risen, and the rage was more than she could handle.
  3. I ungracefully swing my butt to the seat and pull my shirt down which has risen above my waist exposing my lovely white interior.
  4. Carew had risen abruptly from his seat, another man sat on top of a barrel, his hands lashed behind him with leather straps, his mouth gagged, and a more than capable man sat next to him leveling a knife at his chest.
  5. Storm water must have risen to the height of the road silt fans out, drying as the day warms.
  6. It swirled around me, continuously moving as if creatures just below the surface had somehow risen from the mud, summoned by my presence.
  7. I swallow the grief that has risen thinking of Lillye and open the door to find Holly, my travel writing neighbor who writes for my favorite magazine.
  8. Yet out here in the town, many people were appearing on the streets well before the sun had risen.
  9. The main kitchen, he explained, would be chaos at this hour, filling dinner orders for hundreds of shifters and mages, and bottled breakfasts for newly risen vamps.
  10. Richard had risen from the table and stood to look at Jack.