English to afrikaans meaning of

Die woordeboekdefinisie van "oproerig" is iets wat gekenmerk word deur wilde en onbeperkte gedrag, gewoonlik geassosieer met raserige en ontwrigtende aktiwiteite. Dit kan ook iets beteken wat oorvloedig, weelderig of buitensporig van aard is, veral wanneer dit kom by kleur, groei of klank.


  1. profuse
  2. exuberant
  3. lush
  4. luxuriant

Sentence Examples

  1. The fallen man staggered up, pulled over a table and righted himself to riotous shouts.
  2. His mouth went slack when he saw the riotous mass coming for them from down the street.
  3. On an incline over which a road wound he saw wild and desperate rushes of men perpetually backward and forward in riotous surges.
  4. The riotous group momentarily stopped to celebrate the capturing of the Marquis de Launay, but Lefebvre quickly reminded them with a pointing finger that there were still enemies of the people waiting to be seized or worse.
  5. He had kept abreast of the times, and he knew that the governor arid the men about him were sorely in need of more funds to waste in riotous living.
  6. Their voices entered the keep, leaving a dulled riotous roar that prevented the silence the old Seidkona had been looking for.
  7. Wildflowers bloomed in riotous patches on the verdant ground.