English to afrikaans meaning of

Die woord "ringe" kan veelvuldige woordeboekbetekenisse hê, afhangend van die konteks waarin dit gebruik word. Hier is 'n paar van die mees algemene betekenisse:Selfstandige naamwoord, meervoudsvorm van "ring" - 'n sirkelvormige band of voorwerp, wat dikwels as juwele gedra word of vir versiering gebruik word, of 'n groep van mense of dinge wat in 'n sirkel of 'n reeks konsentriese sirkels gerangskik is.Werkwoord, derdepersoon enkelvoud teenwoordige tyd van "ring" - om 'n duidelike resonante klank te maak, of om veroorsaak dat 'n foon of ander toestel 'n klank uitstraal, of iets met 'n ring of sirkelband omring.Selfstandige naamwoord, meervoudsvorm van "ring" - 'n sport of gebeurtenis in wat twee opponente baklei in 'n sirkelvormige gebied, of 'n groep of vereniging van mense betrokke by 'n bepaalde veld of aktiwiteit.Werkwoord, derdepersoon enkelvoud teenwoordige tyd van "ring" - om iemand oor die telefoon te bel, of om iets of iemand in 'n sirkel of 'n sirkelrangskikking te omring of toe te sluit.Selfstandige naamwoord, meervoudsvorm van "ring" - 'n sirkelvormige area of struktuur wat gebruik word vir perdry of opleiding, of 'n sirkelbaan of roete wat vir wedrenne gebruik word, soos 'n hardloopbaan of 'n renbaan.

Sentence Examples

  1. Her head and neck, shoulders, ears, arms, hands, and toes were loaded down with jewels and gems with bracelets, earrings, and rings while a tunic bordered with gold, and covered with a light muslin robe, betrayed the outline of her form.
  2. The dirt underneath the rings looked like it had been disturbed, and at the end of each formation, a wooden marker stood erect.
  3. After five rings, I was getting ready to end the call when he answered.
  4. Charlie lifted his head back while holding the smoke in, before exhaling rings.
  5. A couple dozen yards ahead was a large patch of land that had been cleared of plants and stones, save for three distinct rings of rocks that stretched about six feet long and two feet wide.
  6. His long fingers were bedecked with black and silver rings whilst his earrings resembled small black talons, encrusted with crystals.
  7. His fingers were long, and he wore a couple plain, silver rings at the knuckles.
  8. The sound of screeching tires rings in my ears as my body slams hard against my seat with the sudden impact, immediately followed by an almost knockout punch to my face by the airbag.
  9. My home-phone answerphone normally kicks in on seven rings.
  10. Jack noted that amongst the rings he wore was the one he had given to Dan.