English to afrikaans meaning of

Die woordeboekbetekenis van die woord "rib" kan verskil na gelang van die konteks waarin dit gebruik word. Hier is 'n paar van die mees algemene definisies van die woord:Een van 'n reeks geboƫ bene wat die borswand vorm en die hart en longe beskerm.'n Sny vleis geneem van die ribbes van 'n dier, wat dikwels gebruik word vir braai of rooster.'n Verhoogde strook of rif op 'n oppervlak, soos die ribbes aan die onderkant van 'n sambreel of die rante op 'n sinkkartondoos.Om iemand op 'n goedhartige manier te terg of te spot, dikwels deur te wys hul foute of foute uit.'n Lang, smal, gewoonlik plat boot met puntige punte, aangedryf deur roeispane of spane, wat dikwels vir wedrenne gebruik word.Hierdie is net 'n paar van die moontlike betekenisse van die woord "rib." Die konteks waarin die woord gebruik word, sal dikwels die presiese betekenis daarvan bepaal.

Sentence Examples

  1. Free of the pain that had limited each breath, Kallan fell to her hands as the last rib mended itself.
  2. He lifted her shirt to place the other monitor and faltered at the sight of the dark bruises around her rib area.
  3. The kick had cracked a rib and the pain was unbearable.
  4. As the gun poked into my rib cage with increased pressure, my eyes drifted back to Jason.
  5. Her heart pounded so furiously that she was sure it would burst through her rib cage.
  6. With a smooth motion the younger man grabbed her by the throat, lifting her chair over, and now standing astride her, his right foot firmly crushing her rib cage, he wedged the Taser between her thighs and pulled the trigger.
  7. His other hand moved over my hips, and he slid them up to my rib cage, gripping my flesh tight.
  8. What lame leg hast thou got by it, what broken rib, what cracked head, that thou canst not forget that jest?
  9. The fire escape rattled and shook like a bag of rib cages as I descended two steps at a time.
  10. Every breath expanded her lungs against her chest wall, pushing on every broken rib.

TV Series Examples



Probably shattered every rib he had.