English to afrikaans meaning of

Die woordeboekbetekenis van die woord "ritme" is 'n gereeld herhalende volgorde van gebeure of aksies, wat dikwels gekenmerk word deur 'n bepaalde patroon van maatslae of aksente. Dit is 'n fundamentele aspek van musiek, dans en poësie, en verwys na die vloei of beweging van klank of beweging wat 'n gevoel van tydsberekening en tempo skep. Ritme kan ook verwys na 'n spesifieke musiekstyl of genre wat 'n sterk, konsekwente maatslag beklemtoon, soos rock of hip-hop. In breër kontekste kan ritme ook verwys na die reëlmaat of patroon van enige tipe aktiwiteit of proses.


  1. regular recurrence

Sentence Examples

  1. His rhythm increased as her body responded to his.
  2. He thrusts his hips into me with an erratic rhythm, while gritting his teeth, and then collapses.
  3. Instinctively, my hips move in rhythm with his, sending me to the edge of bliss.
  4. It flooded throughout my entire body in a steady, vibrant rhythm.
  5. They found a rhythm together, their eyes locked until he shattered and his eyes fell closed of their own accord.
  6. My hands grasp the sheets while my hips rotate to match his rhythm.
  7. His pulse throbbed with such force it was like a drum, beating out a steady, frantic rhythm.
  8. Henry says nothing as we climb into our seats and we drive away, the windshield wipers beating out an exhaustive rhythm and his silence shames me more than any words would ever do.
  9. My heartbeat drummed a staccato rhythm in my ears.
  10. With his tongue dancing in rhythm with mine, I feel my stomach twisting into a knot, making it harder to breathe.