English to afrikaans meaning of

Die woordeboekbetekenis van die woord "rex" kan verskil na gelang van die konteks waarin dit gebruik word. Hier is 'n paar moontlike definisies:Selfstandige naamwoord: 'n Titel of bynaam wat gebruik word om 'n koning of heerser aan te dui, veral in Latyn of antieke Rome. Byvoorbeeld, "Julius Caesar is deur sy ondersteuners 'Rex' genoem."Selfstandige naamwoord: 'n Algemene naam vir 'n manlike hond, veral 'n stamhond van die ras genaamd die " Bokser."Selfstandige naamwoord: In biologie, 'n term wat gebruik word om na die dominante individu of spesie binne 'n groep of ekosisteem te verwys. Byvoorbeeld, "Die leeu word beskou as die rex van die oerwoud."Selfstandige naamwoord: 'n Handelsnaam vir verskeie produkte of maatskappye. Byvoorbeeld, "Rex Airlines" of "Rexona," 'n handelsmerk van deodorant.Afkorting: Kort vir "Rexine", wat 'n soort kunsleer of nagemaakte leer is. Neem asseblief kennis dat die betekenis van "rex" kan verskil na gelang van die spesifieke konteks waarin dit gebruik word, en dit is altyd die beste om na 'n betroubare woordeboek te verwys vir akkurate definisies.


  1. king
  2. male monarch

Sentence Examples

  1. Until Giang took them to the strange men in The Rex.
  2. The clientele of the pub looked up without interest as Rex and McBurnie sidled out.
  3. Thing is, what the boys got in mind, we all going down there tomorrow, else Rex going to take over for you.
  4. After one middling attempt, he passed the baton to Rex, the pianist, and asked him to take over.
  5. Rex, the piano man, suggested a slogan the developers and boosters might use.
  6. Knowing Rex had stood in for Tom before, she asked him to lead the band and explain to whomever cared that a sudden, severe stomach pain had sent her brother to the hospital.
  7. When Gone With the Wind finally plays at Le Grand Rex it will be impossible to get a ticket because the theater will be filled with Germans.
  8. I kissed goodbye to my two-thousand-dollar deposit, cycled back to The Rex, and slunk up to my room, dust and sweat forming a kind of soup on my skin.
  9. I could, however, hire Jess as an outside contractor investigating the movements of a suspicious individual in a blue Ford Mondeo, and who travelled to Saigon to spy on me in The Rex Hotel.
  10. When some of the boys came running, she took Rex the pianist aside.