English to afrikaans meaning of

Die woordeboekdefinisie van die woord "omkeer" is 'n verandering na 'n teenoorgestelde rigting, posisie of optrede. Dit kan verwys na 'n volledige ommeswaai of 'n algehele verandering in omstandighede of fortuin. Dit kan ook verwys na die handeling van omkeer, omdraai of iets om- of terugdraai. In sommige kontekste kan dit spesifiek verwys na 'n regsbesluit wat op appèl omgekeer of omgekeer word.

Sentence Examples

  1. Besides, presumption of innocence, reversal of the burden of proof, fair trial, procedural safeguards, legal aid, ne bis in idem, cui bono, in dubio pro reo, lex fori, these were all concepts as entirely unknown to the prosecution as to the defence.
  2. Coordinator of Information was the original name of the CIA, and I know all about your little reversal tricks.
  3. August had told me for the reversal of eradication to work, the victim had to be in the same room as the device.