English to afrikaans meaning of

Die woordeboekbetekenis van die woord "eerbiedig" is om diepe respek en bewondering te toon vir iemand of iets, wat dikwels verband hou met 'n godsdienstige of geestelike konteks. Dit kan ook verwys na 'n gevoel of houding van diep respek en ontsag teenoor iemand of iets wat hoog geag word of as heilig beskou word.

Sentence Examples

  1. She nodded and he lifted her hair carefully, his eyes reverent.
  2. He drew up his pipe and sat back, and with a sly, reverent glance to his grandfather, told the tale.
  3. The soothing melody spoke of good endeavors and reverent hearts, but tension filled the building.
  4. With deep and reverent awe I replaced the candelabrum in its former position.
  5. Forty-one THE courthouse, Tom imagined, got designed as a Gothic structure in dark and solemn stone to make visitors feel reverent in the presence of high authority.
  6. He raised his hands to quiet them and as if a blanket was thrown on a flame they hushed into reverent attention.
  7. Between the ranks, the Elite transported the Gifts in their cases, handling them with reverent care.
  8. Probably conveyed here with whispers and reverent fervour.