English to afrikaans meaning of

Die woordeboekbetekenis van die woord "beperk" is om iets binne sekere grense of reëls te beperk of te beperk. Dit verwys na iets wat onderhewig is aan spesifieke beperkings of beperkings, of iets wat nie vir almal beskikbaar is nie. Die term kan ook beteken dat toegang tot iets beperk of beheer word, of dat daar sekere voorwaardes of vereistes is waaraan voldoen moet word om dit te gebruik of toegang te verkry. Oor die algemeen impliseer die term "beperk" dat daar beperkings of beperkings op iets geplaas word om orde te handhaaf of veiligheid te verseker.

Sentence Examples

  1. My dad had never been the warm and fuzzy type, but even he had been restricted from touching me since Ascension.
  2. This was offworld tech with restricted access, advanced enough to simulate virtually any situation and with total sensory immersion.
  3. An all-access pass could get her into the restricted areas without too much trouble.
  4. And I can no longer expect you to keep me fully informed either, since you are restricted by your obligations as woodfolk.
  5. He has to duck to enter, and then the restricted height forces him to kneel down at the bedside of a sick woodwoman.
  6. On the top floor, a place restricted even to Alliance employees, these were worlds torn apart by war, worlds barred from ever joining the Alliance.
  7. Besides, tourism is a global phenomenon, not one restricted to this rock.
  8. He realised his movement was restricted by a strap that held his right arm close to his chest.
  9. His restricted flow of Essence startled me, but maybe that was normal after using his extraordinary abilities.
  10. Her freedom of movement was more restricted in such clothing, and she had to take care not to allow her overlarge sleeves to catch on something, but she would have to make do.