English to afrikaans meaning of

Die woordeboekbetekenis van die woord "herstel" is die handeling om iets na sy oorspronklike of vorige toestand, toestand of posisie te herstel, veral deur herstel of opknapping. Dit kan ook verwys na die proses om iets aan sy regmatige eienaar terug te gee of iets terug te bring na 'n tydperk van agteruitgang of verwaarlosing. Daarbenewens kan "herstel" verwys na 'n tydperk of 'n beweging waarin iets na sy vorige toestand herstel word, soos die Hersteltydperk in die Engelse geskiedenis, wat die terugkeer van die monargie na die Interregnum gekenmerk het.

Sentence Examples

  1. Arthur informed her that he would be in a place called Panorama City doing restoration with the main body of his knights, but he would send those kids who wished to take part in the project so they could begin.
  2. Made a peer at the Restoration, I served through the first campaign under the orders of Marshal Bourmont.
  3. Mortimer were, however, in London, on their way to that long voyage which had been recommended for the restoration of his shattered nerves.
  4. The standard restoration procedure was not all that difficult if you knew a few things.
  5. It has given you the features, figure, age, and voice of your brother and the very causes of your persecution are about to become those of your triumphant restoration.
  6. Hence having already demystified the second and idealised the first, they missed it all the more passionately the more ap-athetically they had watched its collapse and the less likely its restoration seemed.
  7. It is even at the present day proverbial to calculate the number of acres of roofing, the restoration of which would, in our age, be the ruin of fortunes cramped and narrowed as the epoch itself.
  8. When the emperor returned, he wrote, implored, threatened, and so energetically, that on the second restoration he was persecuted as a Bonapartist.