English to afrikaans meaning of

Die woordeboekbetekenis van die woord "rusteloosheid" is die toestand van nie kan rus of ontspan nie, veral as gevolg van angs of verveling. Dit word gekenmerk deur 'n gevoel van konstante beroering, ongemak of onvermoë om stil te sit.

Sentence Examples

  1. Little lumps of restlessness and anxious energy subside with each passing day.
  2. He was not calm his spirits were evidently fluttered there was restlessness about him.
  3. She watched the rising and falling of his chest and waited until his restlessness calmed before she left the room to join her sisters.
  4. Because, though he had lived his entire life by the rules, though he was also looked upon with veneration by the younger monks on account of his age and his modesty, the restlessness and the searching still had not perished from his heart.
  5. The figure of the bear appeared in the door, where it sat, rolling from side to side in its customary restlessness.
  6. Dreams and restless thoughts came into his mind, flowing from the water of the river, sparkling from the stars of the night, melting from the beams of the sun, dreams came to him and a restlessness of the soul, fuming from the sacrifices, breathing forth from the verses of the Rig-Veda, being infused into him, drop by drop, from the teachings of the old Brahmans.
  7. Frank was standing by her, but not steadily there was a restlessness, which shewed a mind not at ease.
  8. Dantès reflected, as he worked, on the shout of joy which, with a single word, he could evoke from all these men, if he gave utterance to the one unchanging thought that pervaded his heart but, far from disclosing this precious secret, he almost feared that he had already said too much, and by his restlessness and continual questions, his minute observations and evident preoccupation, aroused suspicions.
  9. At first glance, the wood appeared undisturbed, but the restlessness that stirred within him pulled him into the foliage.
  10. Vanity, extravagance, love of change, restlessness of temper, which must be doing something, good or bad heedlessness as to the pleasure of his father and Mrs.