English to afrikaans meaning of

Die woordeboekdefinisie van die woord "gereserveer" is:byvoeglike naamwoord:aangehou vir die gebruik van 'n bepaalde persoon of groep, en nie vir ander. Voorbeeld: "'n gereserveerde parkeerplek."stadig om emosie of opinies te openbaar. Voorbeeld: "hy was 'n terughoudende en onkommunikatiewe man."formeel of selfbeheersing in manier of gedrag. Voorbeeld: "haar terughoudende houding het haar 'n lug van gesag gegee."(van 'n persoon se aard) gekenmerk deur terughoudendheid of versigtigheid in benadering of wyse. Voorbeeld: "hy is 'n gereserveerde individu wat tyd neem om oop te maak vir ander."werkwoord:boek ( 'n sitplek, kamer of kaartjie) vooraf. Voorbeeld: "hy het 'n tafel vir twee by die restaurant bespreek."reël dat (iets) gehou word vir die gebruik van 'n bepaalde persoon of groep. Voorbeeld: "sy het 'n kamer vir haar ouers by die hotel bespreek."

Sentence Examples

  1. Fridays were always reserved for hometown football.
  2. He often won at this game, which, as a silent one, harmonised with his nature but his winnings never went into his purse, being reserved as a fund for his charities.
  3. With the same spitfire she reserved for him, Kallan called to his back.
  4. It passed gradually from the rich, to whom it was at first exclusively reserved, to the lower classes, and then its ravages could not be arrested.
  5. It was mainly reserved for members of the tribe with a few really nice condos and houses for people like Janeen and that Aussie bellman from the hotel who came there to work.
  6. Finding himself fast, then, and that the ladies had retired, he began to fancy that all this was done by enchantment, as on the former occasion when in that same castle that enchanted Moor of a carrier had belaboured him and he cursed in his heart his own want of sense and judgment in venturing to enter the castle again, after having come off so badly the first time it being a settled point with knights-errant that when they have tried an adventure, and have not succeeded in it, it is a sign that it is not reserved for them but for others, and that therefore they need not try it again.
  7. The dirt road was a quiet unused path from main street reserved for emergency use when carriageway was busy.
  8. It spurred me on with a hunger reserved only for the most powerful of predators.
  9. The fiery Biscayan was the first to strike a blow, which was delivered with such force and fury that had not the sword turned in its course, that single stroke would have sufficed to put an end to the bitter struggle and to all the adventures of our knight but that good fortune which reserved him for greater things, turned aside the sword of his adversary, so that although it smote him upon the left shoulder, it did him no more harm than to strip all that side of its armour, carrying away a great part of his helmet with half of his ear, all which with fearful ruin fell to the ground, leaving him in a sorry plight.
  10. The exact moment he dropped his hand to his shoulder and felt the lines of Seidr within him awaken followed the rage, the vile contempt reserved in the Shadow that had lurked in his core since.