English to afrikaans meaning of

Die woordeboekbetekenis van die woord "herhaling" is die handeling om iets te herhaal wat reeds gesĂȘ of gedoen is. Dit kan ook verwys na die herhaling van 'n aksie of gebeurtenis, of die gebruik van 'n spesifieke woord, frase of idee meer as een keer. Boonop verwys herhaling in musiek na die herhaling van 'n frase of gedeelte van musiek vir artistieke effek.


  1. repeating

Sentence Examples

  1. Routine, sold as our Savior, to be our guiding light and capture us in the spell of repetition.
  2. Think, then, what I must have endured in hearing it bandied between the Eltons with all the vulgarity of needless repetition, and all the insolence of imaginary superiority.
  3. Was again very much alarmed by a repetition of the loud, crackling noise which terrified me on the tenth.
  4. She is to meet me at the Stores, so that I may not alarm her mother by too early a repetition of my call.
  5. From somewhere behind the cathedral a great iron gong, actually a huge hollow iron pillar more than eight feet long and suspended vertically by ropes from wooden beams, began to chime in a deeply melodic repetition.
  6. Weston, of a more apprehensive disposition, foresaw nothing but a repetition of excuses and delays and after all her concern for what her husband was to suffer, suffered a great deal more herself.
  7. He has done that which could only be done once with success or safety, and the imitation or repetition of which would produce weariness.
  8. The conclusion is no doubt a hasty and in some places clumsy piece of work and the frequent repetition of the scolding administered to Avellaneda becomes in the end rather wearisome but it is, at any rate, a conclusion and for that we must thank Avellaneda.
  9. The quadrille had been most perfect, and it was evident there was a great demand for a repetition, Carmela alone objecting to it, but the Count of San-Felice besought his daughter so earnestly, that she acceded.
  10. Was it not a comedy, a strange and stupid matter, this repetition, this running around in a fateful circle?