English to afrikaans meaning of

Die woordeboekbetekenis van die woord "hernu" is om iets vars of nuuts te hervat, te herstel of weer te maak. Dit kan ook verwys na die handeling van verlenging van die geldigheid of duur van iets wat verval of geëindig het, soos 'n huurkontrak, kontrak of intekening. Daarbenewens kan dit die handeling beskryf om 'n mens se energie, entoesiasme of toewyding tot 'n spesifieke taak of doelwit te verkwik of te laat herleef.


  1. reincarnate

Sentence Examples

  1. Past-due notices to renew my registration were piling up in a junk drawer at home.
  2. If he thought that by these means he could break the spirit or shake the resolution of his prisoner, he was soon undeceived, for Cervantes contrived before long to despatch a letter to the Governor of Oran, entreating him to send him someone that could be trusted, to enable him and three other gentlemen, fellow-captives of his, to make their escape intending evidently to renew his first attempt with a more trustworthy guide.
  3. Renew, last but not least, his subscription to dating websites where he would continuously be looking for a romantic partner without ever finding one.
  4. I felt the fresh water of his soul heal and renew me.
  5. The curate consoled him, telling him that when his master was found he would get him to renew the order, and make a fresh draft on paper, as was usual and customary for those made in notebooks were never accepted or honoured.
  6. There he lay like a tortoise enclosed in its shell, or a side of bacon between two kneading-troughs, or a boat bottom up on the beach nor did the gang of jokers feel any compassion for him when they saw him down so far from that, extinguishing their torches they began to shout afresh and to renew the calls to arms with such energy, trampling on poor Sancho, and slashing at him over the shield with their swords in such a way that, if he had not gathered himself together and made himself small and drawn in his head between the shields, it would have fared badly with the poor governor, as, squeezed into that narrow compass, he lay, sweating and sweating again, and commending himself with all his heart to God to deliver him from his present peril.
  7. But in the middle of the discourse, it being not very much to his taste, Sancho had turned aside out of the road to beg a little milk from some shepherds, who were milking their ewes hard by and just as the gentleman, highly pleased, was about to renew the conversation, Don Quixote, raising his head, perceived a cart covered with royal flags coming along the road they were travelling and persuaded that this must be some new adventure, he called aloud to Sancho to come and bring him his helmet.
  8. But necessity impelled him, nevertheless, to renew his acquaintance with the worthy servant, as will be seen.
  9. At the end of the year, we can renew it for the same terms or renegotiate.
  10. I could always renew the wards and revoke his welcome in the future if I had to.