English to afrikaans meaning of

Die woordeboekdefinisie van die woord "herinnering" is: 'n ding wat veroorsaak dat iemand iets onthou, tipies iets belangriks of iets wat hulle vergeet het. Dit kan ook verwys na 'n boodskap of kennisgewing wat iemand aanspoor om 'n taak of gebeurtenis te onthou wat hulle moet bywoon of voltooi. 'n Herinnering kan in verskeie vorme wees, soos 'n nota, 'n memo, 'n alarm of 'n telefoonoproep, onder andere. Die doel van 'n herinnering is om iemand te help om op koers te bly met hul verantwoordelikhede, verpligtinge of verpligtinge.

Sentence Examples

  1. It was just another reminder they were from two very different worlds.
  2. Instead, he kept showing up at different scavenging sites as an unwelcome reminder of their first meeting.
  3. The cool breeze gusting up my nether regions would be a good reminder.
  4. Twin white towers stood in the distance, a constant reminder of the changes.
  5. It had been a long while since he had felt he ought to be on his guard at all times, and he found the reminder unpleasant.
  6. It was supposed to be a reminder of my true world.
  7. I felt a jolt run through me, a reminder that the power of nature was always available, though most of the time I was too worried or self-absorbed to notice.
  8. A low-hanging fronded branch slapped hard across her right cheek and then continued to drag bark against her skin, a reminder from nature to lessen her speed.
  9. Her nails dug into her palms, the pain a reminder that fear was a weakness, an exploitable emotion.
  10. Mary he had always perceived as old, Catholic, unpopular, and merely a reminder of a bygone era, lacking support or the authority to direct anyone.