English to afrikaans meaning of

As 'n selfstandige naamwoord beteken "aflos":'n Daad om iets van een persoon of plek na 'n ander oor te dra.'n Toestel wat 'n sein of boodskap van een bron af en stuur dit dan na 'n ander.'n Wedloop waarin spanlede beurte maak om 'n vasgestelde afstand te hardloop of te swem voordat hulle aan die volgende persoon oorgee.As 'n werkwoord beteken "relay":Om iets van een persoon of plek na 'n ander deur te gee.Om 'n sein of boodskap van een toestel na 'n ander oor te dra. .Om as spanlid aan 'n afloswedloop deel te neem.

Sentence Examples

  1. Autumn Leaves did not relay your conversation to me.
  2. They want to describe their trips through hell, relay how high the water came through their house, where they lived for the past few months, their exile horror stories.
  3. He was luxuriously stretched in a good English calash, with double springs he was drawn by four good horses, at full gallop he knew the relay to be at a distance of seven leagues.
  4. The fact that she would use a gift I gave her made it seem as though she was trying to relay a message.
  5. The carriage set off immediately at a quick trot, turned into the road to Paris, and in the forest of Senart found a relay of horses fastened to the trees in the same manner the first horses had been, and without a postilion.
  6. Lance had sent out their location to Esteban via text message, and the gang leader was to relay the information to whomever else wished to come.
  7. So that you would then relay that information to us.
  8. Carew in the city was to relay the messages by riders when the time came to the outlying cities.
  9. Gus asked me to join his Bowen Island Pentathlon team in a relay race for riding, running, swimming, canoeing, and cycling.
  10. To throw the hounds a foreign scent we are using Assingham to relay messages.