English to afrikaans meaning of

Die woordeboekbetekenis van die woord "regimental" is:byvoeglike naamwoord: betrekking op 'n regiment of die weermagByvoorbeeld, 'n regimentbevelvoerder is die leier van 'n militêre eenheid 'n regiment genoem, en regimentkleure is die vlae of baniere wat deur 'n regiment gedra word. Die term "regimentaal" word dikwels gebruik om dinge te beskryf wat verband hou met militêre organisasie, struktuur of kultuur.

Sentence Examples

  1. At nightfall the column broke into regimental pieces, and the fragments went into the fields to camp.
  2. But the firing began somewhere on the regimental line and ripped along in both directions.
  3. As he noted the vicious, wolflike temper of his comrades he had a sweet thought that if the enemy was about to swallow the regimental broom as a large prisoner, it could at least have the consolation of going down with bristles forward.
  4. In a short time there was quite a barricade along the regimental fronts.
  5. Every child who marched out of the main doors was dressed in the regimental school uniform, the height of order and decorum, and the education about as good as money could buy.
  6. He began to swear so wondrously that a nervous laugh went along the regimental line.