English to afrikaans meaning of

Die woordeboekbetekenis van die woord "weier" is om te weier om iets te aanvaar of daaraan te voldoen; te verwerp of te ontken. Dit kan ook beteken om onwilligheid te toon om iets te doen of toe te staan. Die woord "vullis" kan ook verwys na afval of vullismateriaal wat weggegooi of afgekeur word.


  1. decline

Sentence Examples

  1. He was glad she intended to refuse Stowley, even though he had no right to feel such relief.
  2. Moonlight intruded in a stream between stacks of refuse guarding an open door in the north wall, the same outside wall against which I was hiding, and, of course, I was curious where a door over forty feet in the air led.
  3. I refuse to give him the chance to see me as incompetent and childish when I show up for work.
  4. Giving her false hope is something I refuse to do to her.
  5. His impulse was to cling to her, to refuse to let her out of his sight, but he knew what she was suggesting was the best course.
  6. He began to reassure Aouda, telling her that blusterers were never to be feared, and begged Fix to be his second at the approaching duel, a request which the detective could not refuse.
  7. Ghosts refuse to check out of the Basin Park Hotel as well.
  8. At times, his nose screwed up at the smells of urine and refuse that wafted at him through the darkness.
  9. If they tell me they are going to refuse, I will have no choice but to back down.
  10. Mildred offered peach pie and coffee, which were impossible to refuse, even though my stomach was churning.

TV Series Examples



which Shagga and Gunthor refuse to pay.



- lf you should refuse to obey...