English to afrikaans meaning of

Die woordeboekbetekenis van die woord "weerhou" is om jouself te keer om iets te doen, veral om aan 'n versoeking of impuls toe te gee. Dit kan ook verwys na 'n herhaalde reël of frase in 'n lied of gedig wat tipies aan die einde van elke vers of strofe kom. In hierdie sin dien die refrein as 'n soort refrein wat die hooftema of boodskap van die werk versterk.


  1. chorus

Sentence Examples

  1. We refrain from being both too serious and too jovial.
  2. Refrain from telling the story about losing the hotel keys on the Lisbon beach, and if you need my assistance in writing a love poem to sweeten a foreign disposition, I am at your disposal.
  3. Each longing glance cast his way made Lance squirm, and when they broke for lunch he instructed them to refrain from any further comments about his looks because such behavior could lower his standing with the other kids.
  4. You may express your opinions and I may refrain from dictating to you, if I so choose.
  5. We refrain from our natural urges to condemn others.
  6. At least that meant there was no reason to refrain from speaking my mind anymore, if she already had it figured out.
  7. The woman did so as well, but Dean tried to refrain from asking the obvious.
  8. Perhaps you should refrain from sharing this with Mother.
  9. I could feel his mind filling flooding with a desire for revenge, insane revenge, and if I did not do something to refrain him, he would do something unexpected, and ultimately deadly.
  10. I will refrain though from listing the perfect one, being myself far from perfect.