English to afrikaans meaning of

'n Reghoek is 'n vlakfiguur met vier reguit sye en vier regte hoeke, veral een met ongelyke aangrensende sye, in teenstelling met 'n vierkant. Dit is 'n vierhoek waarin die teenoorstaande sye ewewydig en ewe lank is, en die aangrensende sye ook ewe lank is.

Sentence Examples

  1. Bold rectangle of Orion, sword hanging down from the three-star belt at his narrow waist.
  2. Then, on the outside of the large rectangle, he drew four sets and each set contained, a square, a circle, and a triangle.
  3. He noticed with alarm that there were large rectangle holes at the bottom of the walls, presumably to let water drain out.
  4. Tossing the knitted rectangle away, he looked down in horror at the blue-lipped face of Kristina Heitschmidt.
  5. There was no glass, just a rectangle concrete opening.
  6. The waiter arrives and sets down two wire baskets of croquettes along with bowls of dipping sauce arranged on a thin rectangle of basalt.
  7. Each rectangle held a different blank form, depending on what law the person was trying to get clarified.
  8. Heather took them from him one at a time and dug them into the ground until a rectangle of ten by six paces was marked out.
  9. Stepping inside the dim, cold hallway, the presence of Celestino seeps from the walls he can almost smell him and half expects his visage to appear in the bright rectangle of light framed by the doorway at the other end.
  10. Her eyes landed on the man at the desk, and the small black rectangle I had mistaken for a fingerprint reader, and finally on me.