English to afrikaans meaning of

Die woordeboekbetekenis van die woord "herken" is om iemand of iets wat voorheen teëgekom of bekend is, te identifiseer of te erken. Dit kan ook beteken om amptelike aanvaarding of goedkeuring aan iets of iemand te gee, of om waardering of dankbaarheid te toon vir iemand se prestasies of optrede. Daarbenewens kan dit beteken om iets as geldig of waar te sien of te verstaan.


  1. know
  2. recognise
  3. acknowledge

Sentence Examples

  1. Chess is about the ability to recognize patterns and imagine all the possibilities.
  2. The goal was for me to recognize, and then tap into, my own personal Essence, which was proving near impossible.
  3. Any that had survived the long hours and terrible working conditions now had children of their own and probably had conversations we would instantly recognize.
  4. If she surrendered to her urges, if she gave up everything for one night with him, it would never be enough for her, she was wise enough to recognize that.
  5. Plus, they would immediately recognize the smell of Greyback territorial whizz.
  6. She knew too well the overreaching power of the unions, both certificated and classified, and had come to recognize that the needs of the students were not foremost in either of their agendas.
  7. The key to our journeys is to recognize what we have, before we seek what we think we need.
  8. But gradually, I got more comfortable and started to recognize some of the birds and trees.
  9. There is a mystery to uncover in our lives and the first step is to recognize the confusion we experience in midlife is not an invitation to judge our memories or attempt to go back to the past through youthful actions.
  10. Her deep, deep blue eyes studied him as he studied her, and he could have kicked himself for having failed to recognize the distinctive color.