English to afrikaans meaning of

Die woordeboekbetekenis van die woord "herkenning" is die aksie of proses van herken of herken word, wat na verskillende dinge kan verwys afhangende van die konteks. Hier is 'n paar moontlike definisies:Erkenning of aanvaarding van iets as waar, geldig of wettig.Die identifikasie van iemand of iets wat voorheen gesien of geken is, dikwels gebaseer op visuele of ander sensoriese leidrade.Waardering of bewondering van iemand se prestasies, kwaliteite of bydraes.Die handeling om eer, status of beloning aan iemand toe te ken vir hul prestasies of diens. 'n Formele verklaring of erkenning van diplomatieke betrekkinge tussen twee lande of entiteite.Die vermoƫ van 'n masjien of rekenaarstelsel om voorwerpe of patrone te identifiseer of te onderskei, dikwels deur beeld- of stemherkenning. tegnologie.

Sentence Examples

  1. They had shutters to block out the sunlight, but there was enough light streaming between the boards to allow me recognition of his face.
  2. Instinctively, I smile back, glowing in the recognition of my work that my family routinely fails to offer.
  3. Never before had it hurt her this much to deny herself something, and the recognition that she now had some inkling of what Lach was going through exacerbated her discomposure until she began to wonder if it might be wiser to hide in her bed the entire day, claim she was ill.
  4. Below him, the kids looked up in amazement and excited recognition.
  5. Even so, Kate kept her head low, not wanting to risk more recognition.
  6. Kathy looks up, slow recognition appearing in her face.
  7. A woman walking a tiny dog was approaching them, smiling in recognition.
  8. Facial recognition has helped our operations, although a few people have gotten in without proper access.
  9. His eyes suddenly bulged with astonished recognition.
  10. A heart-sparking flash of recognition went off in his head.