English to afrikaans meaning of

Die woordeboekbetekenis van die woord "herrangskik" is om die volgorde of posisie van iets te verander, gewoonlik deur dit na 'n ander plek te skuif of dit in 'n ander volgorde te plaas. Dit kan ook verwys na die handeling om iets weer op 'n ander manier as voorheen te organiseer of te reël.

Sentence Examples

  1. Or I could do a general spring cleaning and rearrange a few things, maybe print out a flyer that there was a vacancy for a new chef at the café.
  2. As I rearrange my belongings and attempt to tame my now horribly wrinkled shirt, Henry jumps in the front and off we go.
  3. He reached behind her to rearrange the pillow so she could lean against it.
  4. She thought it would be a fun twist to rearrange all the tables in Stanton Concert Hall to face the center of the room.
  5. Sometimes it would go to the pile of bones and rearrange them ever so slightly.
  6. If only I could rearrange all those words into some meaningful message.