English to afrikaans meaning of

'n Makelaar is 'n gelisensieerde eiendomsagent of makelaar wat 'n lid is van die National Association of Realtors (NAR). Die term Realtor is 'n geregistreerde handelsmerk van die NAR en word gebruik om eiendomsprofessionele persone te beskryf wat lede van die vereniging is en hul etiese kode onderskryf. Die term word dikwels uitruilbaar met eiendomsagent of makelaar gebruik, maar nie alle agente of makelaars is Realtors nie. Makelaars word aan 'n hoër etiese standaard gehou en is daartoe verbind om die beginsels van die NAR se Etiese Kode te handhaaf, wat 'n plig insluit om eerlike en professionele diens aan kliënte te lewer, en om 'n hoë vlak van kennis en bevoegdheid in die eiendomsbedryf te handhaaf. .

Sentence Examples

  1. We contact the realtor, and by the end of the day, we have arranged to rent it for the week.
  2. I worked, and then met the realtor, and then cleaned the apartment, and then made his invoice, and then showered, and then had this damn panic attack.
  3. He tried to keep the realtor out of his thoughts, but it was nearly impossible.
  4. His heart pinched as he imagined her walking around the house and beach with her realtor friend.
  5. Knight was a realtor trying hard to sell us a house, and my parents thought that the one she just showed us had stunk.