English to afrikaans meaning of

Die woordeboekdefinisie van die woord "tariewe" hang af van die konteks waarin dit gebruik word, aangesien dit veelvuldige betekenisse kan hê. Hier is 'n paar moontlike definisies:Selfstandige naamwoord: 'n maatstaf van die bedrag van 'n heffing of betaling vir 'n spesifieke diens of produk.Voorbeeld: Die hotel tariewe in hierdie area is baie duur.Werkwoord: om 'n bepaalde waarde aan iets toe te ken.Voorbeeld: Die onderwyser gradeer haar student se prestasie gebaseer op hul grade.Selfstandige naamwoord: 'n vaste heffing of belasting op iets.Voorbeeld: Die regering het die tariewe verhoog op luukse items.Werkwoord: om iemand of iets te beskou as 'n sekere kwaliteit of standaard.Voorbeeld: Die fliek was gegradeer as geskik vir alle gehore.Selfstandige naamwoord: 'n verhouding tussen twee metings.Voorbeeld: Die wisselkoers tussen die Amerikaanse dollar en die Euro is tans 1,23.

Sentence Examples

  1. He wants to know why the artisans recently raised their rates.
  2. I did pay very close attention to the rates, which had been incorrect and needed fixing, when I first got the car.
  3. Leisure time is included as having value and low crime rates and other factors, such as the cost of unemployment, the value of housework and education, and how the environment is impacted, are also evaluated.
  4. Many African countries are experiencing economic growth rates well above the developed countries.
  5. I had done some very thorough analysis, showing alternative scenarios for different rates of plant expansion and various financing approaches with different mixes of debt and equity.
  6. The adrenaline had washed out of her system, and her heart and breathing rates were normal again.
  7. We both needed the cool night air to calm our heart rates.
  8. No one offered anything but retail rental pricing, some even above market rates.
  9. The approach I proposed was to provide subordinated investment funds at very low rates, recognizing that, over time, the yields on these funds would probably not offset the losses associated with the high risks of these investments.
  10. This was a place designed for relaxation not rampant heart rates and shudders.