English to afrikaans meaning of

Die woordeboekbetekenis van die woord "raap" is 'n byvoeglike naamwoord wat 'n growwe of harde klank, tekstuur of aksie beskryf. Dit kan ook verwys na iets wat iemand irriteer of irriteer, soos 'n raspende stem of 'n rasphoes. As 'n werkwoord beteken "raap" om 'n harde, rasperige geluid te maak of om iets met 'n growwe oppervlak op 'n harde of skuurende manier te vryf.


  1. rasp

Sentence Examples

  1. My chest heaved, my breath rasping in the sudden silence.
  2. There was a rasping quality to it, as if whoever was making it was choking.
  3. Drawing his sword, the sound of steel rasping from the scabbard, gained the attention of the rest.
  4. Lance heard panting, barely above a whisper, rasping on the other side of the tables.
  5. Immediately, as if the uplifting of the smoke had been prearranged, the discovered troops burst into a rasping yell, and a hundred flames jetted toward the retreating band.
  6. Her lips peeled back, and her jaw unhinged itself with a rasping crack.
  7. Kila was dreading going out into the street, where they would be exposed, but Vivie dropped to a knee and tugged at a sewer grate, which gave with a low, rasping groan of metal against stone.
  8. The entire forest seemed to be rasping and moaning as they tried grasping at us, but we found their range to be limited to about sixty or seventy feet.
  9. Edward, propped up on pillows, his breath rasping noisily from tortured lungs regarded the Duke with dark-rimmed eyes as he approached the bed.
  10. Sudden rage seized Okeanus and he grabbed Pyrrha, heaving her off the ground with a rasping snarl.