English to afrikaans meaning of

Daar is 'n paar verskillende definisies vir die woord "rap." Hier is 'n paar van die algemeenste:Om skerp of kragtig met 'n vinnige, ligte hou te slaan (bv. "Hy het met sy kneukels op die deur geslaan").Om praat of uiter skerp, vinnig of kragtig (bv. "Sy het 'n string bevele uitgespreek").'n Soort musiek wat gekenmerk word deur gesproke of gesange lirieke met 'n bestendige maatslag (bv. "Hy is 'n groot aanhanger). van rapmusiek").'n Kriminele aanklag of skuldigbevinding, wat dikwels gebruik word in die frase "to take the rap" (bv. "Hy het die rap vir die gesteelde goedere geneem").Die betekenis van "rap" kan verskil na gelang van die konteks waarin dit gebruik word.


  1. blame

Sentence Examples

  1. To which Sancho made answer that by the law of chivalry his master had received he would not pay a rap, though it cost him his life for the excellent and ancient usage of knights-errant was not going to be violated by him, nor should the squires of such as were yet to come into the world ever complain of him or reproach him with breaking so just a privilege.
  2. Place would rap her knuckles on the wall three times, letting Olivia know she was free to go back to peeling apples or spooning gobs of dough onto cookie sheets.
  3. A quick rap on the front door and I all but leap out of my skin.
  4. A rap at this moment sounded on the door of the cosy apartment where Phileas Fogg was seated, and James Forster, the dismissed servant, appeared.
  5. The busy street, loud gossip, and rap music blaring from a nearby car wrought havoc on his anxiety.
  6. A red car blaring rap music drove away from the drive-thru window the bass shook the glass.
  7. Her temples thumped waves of pain, and her left eyelid twitched with the incessant beat of a heavy rap.
  8. She was saved from laboring further over her decision when there was a sharp rap on her door.
  9. A quick rap on the front door takes me by surprise.
  10. We all knew this was true, since he plugged in his earbuds and listened to rap and hip-hop between each class and on every break.