English to afrikaans meaning of

Die woord "rang" het veelvuldige woordeboekbetekenisse afhangende van die konteks daarvan. Hier is 'n paar van die mees algemene definisies:(selfstandige naamwoord) 'n posisie of vlak in 'n hiërargie, organisasie of samelewing(byvoeglike naamwoord) met 'n sterk, onaangename reuk of smaak(werkwoord) om 'n bepaalde posisie of vlak aan iemand of iets in 'n hiërargie of rangordestelsel toe te ken(selfstandige naamwoord) 'n ry of lyn van mense of dinge wat in volgorde gerangskik is (werkwoord) om 'n bepaalde posisie of vlak in 'n hiërargie of rangordestelsel te hê(bywoord) volledig of totaal (gebruik om iets negatiefs te beklemtoon)Voorbeeldsinne:Sy het 'n hoë rang in die weermag.Die bedorwe melk het 'n rank reuk gehad.Die maatskappy rangskik sy werknemers op grond van hul prestasie.Die koor het in drie range op die verhoog gestaan.Die tennisspeler is tans nommer een in die wêreld.Die party was 'n rangmislukking.


  1. membership

Sentence Examples

  1. Brower was never known as a cheerful guy, but his mood seemed particularly rank.
  2. Well, that was the last rank I held, but it was given to someone else when I retired, of course.
  3. THE POLICE CANTEEN WAS HEAVING, the din of chatter constant, the main topic of conversation a dead man among the rank and file.
  4. Sant, an awkward son of a bitch, was thought to be doing extremely well to have achieved his lesser rank.
  5. So he told him he was quite right in pursuing the object he had in view, and that such a motive was natural and becoming in cavaliers as distinguished as he seemed and his gallant bearing showed him to be and that he himself in his younger days had followed the same honourable calling, roaming in quest of adventures in various parts of the world, among others the Curing-grounds of Malaga, the Isles of Riaran, the Precinct of Seville, the Little Market of Segovia, the Olivera of Valencia, the Rondilla of Granada, the Strand of San Lucar, the Colt of Cordova, the Taverns of Toledo, and divers other quarters, where he had proved the nimbleness of his feet and the lightness of his fingers, doing many wrongs, cheating many widows, ruining maids and swindling minors, and, in short, bringing himself under the notice of almost every tribunal and court of justice in Spain until at last he had retired to this castle of his, where he was living upon his property and upon that of others and where he received all knights-errant of whatever rank or condition they might be, all for the great love he bore them and that they might share their substance with him in return for his benevolence.
  6. Almost all of them, with the exception of the odd catholic among rank and file, were pro-Ulster, anti-IRA.
  7. Brooke guessed the colours signified each rank here.
  8. What Gilligan considered fit for a man of his rank, everyone else interpreted as a screwed-up foray into vintage clothing.
  9. He joined the rank and file of Leeds District CID crowded into a squash court in Kirkstall Leisure Centre, within shouting distance of the Abbey Road crime scene.
  10. The last thing they wanted to do was pick a fight with the large, rank, crazy man.

TV Series Examples



..be at once raised to the rank of lord...