English to afrikaans meaning of

Die woordeboekdefinisie van "lukraak" is iets wat plaasvind of gekies word sonder 'n definitiewe plan, patroon of doel. Dit verwys na iets wat onvoorspelbaar, lukraak is of wat in orde of metode ontbreek. Dit kan ook iets beteken wat per toeval gedoen of gekies word, of sonder enige spesifieke rede of logika. Daarbenewens kan die woord "lukraak" gebruik word om 'n proses of gebeurtenis te beskryf wat 'n mate van toeval of onsekerheid behels.

Sentence Examples

  1. So faint she had almost mistaken it for a random blot, there was a hash mark next to the entry, just as there were with at least six others scattered throughout the ledger.
  2. I was trying hard to remain calm, and even though my body was totally paralyzed, random thoughts zipped through my head a mile a minute.
  3. Heads poked above the walls of random cubicles, ogling the scene at the end of the room.
  4. Random legs bumped into me, but I shoved them away.
  5. Then I had a random thought, well probably not so random.
  6. Random passersby meandered over, drawn by the light on the cameras like moths to a flame.
  7. More contained, somehow, than the random bursts that came from behind the doors between-worlds.
  8. He was no more her father than a random stranger on the street.
  9. The growth spurts were random, undetectable until something set me off, and always scary.