English to afrikaans meaning of

Die woordeboekbetekenis van die woord "optel" kan verskil na gelang van die konteks waarin dit gebruik word. Hier is 'n paar moontlike definisies:Die handeling om iets op te lig of dit hoër te maak.Die handeling om 'n kind of jong dier te koester en te versorg.Die handeling om iets groter of meer oorvloedig te maak.Die handeling om 'n geleentheid te organiseer of te hou, soos 'n fondsinsameling of 'n sosiale byeenkoms.Die handeling. om iets belangriker of beter bekend te laat word, soos om bewustheid van 'n sosiale kwessie te verhoog.


  1. lift
  2. elevation

Sentence Examples

  1. I offer this story with all sincerity as a contribution to raising awareness of the vital issue of corruption and its effects on the environment, an issue that affects not just Lanzarote, but the whole world.
  2. Raising his hand to the door he pressed it further open and stepped across the threshold into the dimly lit interior.
  3. Raising it to his nose, he sniffed it, his eyes widening.
  4. They live their lives like everyone else as far as working and raising children, but they use their gifted sight to protect people from unnecessary death.
  5. Out in the cool night air, raising my face to the wind, observing through a break in the cloud the stars in the night sky muted by the streetlights of the village, my frustrations give way to a sweeter memory, one long forgotten.
  6. Raising your hands whilst visualising fireballs shooting from them will cause your sorcery to create it.
  7. She jerked her head in the direction of his lodgings, raising her eyebrows inquiringly.
  8. Forks of reddish-purple lightning burst into life, and I stood, raising a hand, gathered the lighting in my palm and sent it, not at Ellen, but at the road in front of her.
  9. Raising her voice to a normal level, she addresses Redoto.
  10. Raising my hand in the air, I fired a jet-stream of mace into his face and then swung the bat.