English to afrikaans meaning of

Volgens die woordeboek is die betekenis van die woord "reën":byvoeglike naamwoord:Presipiterende vog uit die atmosfeer in die vorm van waterdruppels wat val na die grond.Word gestort of met water of ander vloeistof besprinkel.werkwoord (teenswoordige deelwoord van reën):( van reën) val uit die atmosfeer in die vorm van waterdruppels.(van 'n voorwerp) bedek of versadig wees met vloeistof, tipies water.(van 'n bepaalde kwaliteit of ding). ) volop of volop wees, asof dit "reën".Voorbeeldsinne:Dit reën swaar buite, so onthou om jou sambreel te vat.Sy het binne gekom, haar hare nat en haar klere reën van water.Die blomme was pragtig in die tuin gerangskik, met kleure en geure wat op die besoekers gereën het.

Sentence Examples

  1. The neat, utilitarian space was the same as always, except today it was filled with the gloom of the softly raining morning.
  2. It was raining, rain that washed away the blood of the neighbours as they yelled for help.
  3. The cop mentions it raining that night but not between the hours of eight and midnight so he wonders if he has the time wrong.
  4. A window on the side of the hospital shattered, the glass raining onto the sidewalk below.
  5. And the onslaught of lovebugs raining down on my windshield obscures the view, all the while taunting me.
  6. Blow after blow after blow came raining down on the monster.
  7. He laughed as he caught me, his strong hands under my hips as I wrapped my legs around his waist, raining kisses onto his face.
  8. But in one way only will I punish this ignorant town, and that is by not raining upon it, nor on any part of its district or territory, for three whole years, to be reckoned from the day and moment when this threat is pronounced.
  9. Great plumes of smoke rose from hissing furnaces and the and the air rang with the sound of hammers raining down blows on hot steel filled the air.
  10. It began raining, a saturating hailstorm getting colder against her tights.