English to afrikaans meaning of

Die woordeboekbetekenis van die woord "kwantitatief" hou verband met of behels die meting van hoeveelheid of hoeveelheid. Dit is 'n term wat gebruik word om data of inligting te beskryf wat numeries of in terme van kwantiteit uitgedruk kan word, en wat met behulp van wiskundige of statistiese metodes ontleed kan word. Dit is die teenoorgestelde van "kwalitatief", wat verwys na data wat beskrywend en subjektief is eerder as numeries en objektief. Kortom, "kwantitatief" verwys na data wat in terme van getalle of hoeveelhede uitgedruk word.

Sentence Examples

  1. From a quantitative point of view now, this time last year, go figure, his coming to the village, the abun-dance of stimuli, the fresh air, the nature, the iodine of the sea, the swimming, the carefreeness of holi-daymaking had all unexpectedly doped him up, so much that within a week he had written as much as it had taken him more than a month to do in the city.