English to afrikaans meaning of

Die woordeboekdefinisie van die woord "kwalifiseer" is:(werkwoord) om te voldoen aan die nodige vereistes, voorwaardes of standaarde vir 'n bepaalde pos, werk, aktiwiteit, of situasie; Voorbeeld: "Sy het vir die pos gekwalifiseer deur die vereiste opleidingsprogram te voltooi."(werkwoord) om iemand of iets geskik of geskik te maak vir 'n bepaalde pos, werk of aktiwiteit ; Voorbeeld: "Die kandidaat se indrukwekkende CV het haar vir die bestuurspos gekwalifiseer."(werkwoord) om 'n stelling of eis te wysig of te beperk deur voorwaardes, voorbehoude of uitsonderings by te voeg; Voorbeeld: "Hy het sy stelling gekwalifiseer deur te sê dat hy nie 'n deskundige op die gebied was nie."(werkwoord) om geregtig te word op 'n voordeel of voordeel deur aan sekere voorwaardes of vereistes; Voorbeeld: "Nadat hy vir vyf jaar vir die maatskappy gewerk het, het hy vir 'n pensioenplan gekwalifiseer."


  1. modify

Sentence Examples

  1. Then the board of directors had to be put together in order to qualify for some of the government funding and things changed.
  2. After which, if completed, you will qualify for your inheritance.
  3. Still, there were some violations that could be ignored by the loyalties and traditions of the service she hoped that unofficially rejoining a deployed unit would qualify.
  4. Twenty years, thirteen days, but it was enough to qualify, and life was much better as a retiree with fifty percent disability than as a disabled vet with nothing but the VA to help out.
  5. And at last, as if resolved to qualify his opinion completely for travelling round to its object, he wound it all up with astonishment at the youth and beauty of her person.
  6. I described that extraordinary care always taken of their education in arts and arms, to qualify them for being counselors born to the king and kingdom, to have a share in the legislature to be members of the highest court of judicature, from whence there could be no appeal and to be champions always ready for the defense of their prince and country, by their valor, conduct, and fidelity.
  7. Presumably, with this equity, businesses could qualify for additional loan financing so that the impact of the equity funds would be leveraged.
  8. He will express a phrase in a word, and he will qualify the meaning of an entire sentence by a syllable he will even convey different significations by the simplest inflections of the voice.