English to afrikaans meaning of

Die woordeboekbetekenis van die woord "legkaart" is:'n Speletjie, speelding of probleem wat ontwerp is om vernuf of kennis te toets.Iets wat moeilik is om verstaan, verduidelik of oplos; 'n raaisel of raaisel.Om te verwar of te verwar; onseker of twyfelagtig maak.Om 'n legkaart of probleem op te los of te probeer oplos.

Sentence Examples

  1. He wished he could take the pain from her, that rather than possessing the gods-granted ability to fit together the pieces of a puzzle, he had been granted the ability to fit together the broken pieces of a human heart.
  2. Hawkins in secret, and also to Mina, for to her I could write in shorthand, which would puzzle the Count, if he did see it.
  3. Had Sheriff Montague learned the same information and decided how the Jenga puzzle mysteriously collapsed in murder?
  4. Why, your explanation makes it a harder puzzle than before.
  5. I thought I had enough pieces to put the majority of the puzzle together.
  6. He saw towers of metal looming above a wall, edged with spikes and weaponry, segmented like pieces of a puzzle.
  7. Cassiopeia gazes at me as if I gave her the final piece of a puzzle.
  8. Her tone suggested she intended to hold this against him as well, and he spared a moment to puzzle over what would have pleased her, not because he cared one lick about appeasing her, but because it was such a perplexing conundrum.
  9. There were many times Flint had to puzzle his way through a conversation with Dr.
  10. But why Rodrigo de Cervantes, who was very poor, should have sent his son to a university a hundred and fifty miles away when he had one at his own door, would be a puzzle, if we had any reason for supposing that he did so.