English to afrikaans meaning of

die woord "hondjie" word gedefinieer as 'n jong huishond, spesifiek een wat nog nie volwasse of volwasse is nie. Die term kan gebruik word om na honde van enige ras te verwys, hoewel dit dikwels met klein of speelgoedrasse geassosieer word. Die woord "hondjie" kan ook wyer gebruik word om enige jong dier te beskryf, veral dié wat oulik of speels is.

Sentence Examples

  1. Starved for attention, she had lapped up everything he offered her, becoming his devoted puppy.
  2. Richard had already set off towards the hall and Geoffrey was left with no option but to step quickly after him, following like a puppy, his arrogance left behind on the beer barrel.
  3. She quickly transitioned from loving puppy to vicious beast.
  4. Like an obedient puppy, I follow, heading to the entrance where a couple of chairs are arranged for those waiting for a table.
  5. TB feels the charge in the air and stops talking, gazing at me with that puppy dog face.
  6. The human had returned to pester me, and he scampered around my feet like a puppy who wanted his belly rubbed.
  7. Carmine plants me into an oversized chair and TB follows like an obedient puppy, sitting on the couch to my left.
  8. And Raging Water treats me like a young puppy most of the time.
  9. Now he could kick a puppy and people would cheer him.
  10. Like a lonely puppy Harry walked over to her and knelt beside her.