English to afrikaans meaning of

Die woord "leerling" kan 'n paar verskillende betekenisse hê, afhangende van die konteks waarin dit gebruik word. Hier is 'n paar definisies:'n Student op skool: In hierdie sin is 'n leerling iemand wat by 'n skool of opvoedkundige instelling studeer. Die donker sirkelvormige opening in die middel van die oog: Die pupil is die deel van die oog waardeur lig inkom. Dit verskyn as 'n swart sirkelvormige opening in die middel van die iris.'n Jong persoon wat 'n vaardigheid deur 'n meester geleer word: In sommige kontekste, soos in gevegskuns of musiek, is 'n leerling iemand wat by 'n vaardige praktisyn of meester leer.Oor die algemeen verwys die woord "leerling" oor die algemeen na iemand wat iets leer of geleer word. , of dit nou 'n student op skool is of iemand wat in 'n spesifieke vaardigheid opgelei word.

Sentence Examples

  1. His pupil could never hide the fact he was proud of his accomplishment.
  2. Sadie was a willing pupil, however, and had no problem with studying.
  3. As a young prince, Geoffrey had been the most difficult pupil he had ever tutored.
  4. She handed him the beaker with the expression of a schoolteacher who was about to let a pupil make a mistake, confident that this was the best way for them to learn.
  5. Today, she regarded me the same way teachers looked at an insolent pupil.
  6. But all his gallantry, wit, and gaiety, all his graces and accomplishments, would have been of little or no avail towards gaining the fortress of my pupil, had not the impudent thief taken the precaution of gaining me over first.
  7. Blessed with a lithe build, natural quickness, and almost supernatural dexterity, Lyra found herself an apt pupil and discovered a passion besides those of music and knucklebones.
  8. He was gaunt and shagged, with a ewe neck, and a head like a hammer his rusty mane and tail were tangled and knotted with burs one eye had lost its pupil, and was glaring and spectral, but the other had the gleam of a genuine devil in it.
  9. When Madame de Villefort pronounced the name of Franz, the pupil of M.
  10. At first, Bobby had assumed the ex-student was being dramatic, but now he was realising how right the pupil was.