English to afrikaans meaning of

As 'n selfstandige naamwoord het "pons" veelvuldige woordeboekbetekenisse, insluitend:'n Harde hou met 'n vuis.'n Gereedskap om gate of indrukke in materiale te maak soos leer, papier of metaal.'n Drank wat tipies gemaak word van vrugtesappe en koolzuurhoudende water of koeldrank.As 'n werkwoord beteken "pons" om: Slaan iemand of iets met 'n mens se vuis of 'n harde voorwerp.Maak 'n gaatjie of indruk in 'n materiaal met 'n gereedskap wat 'n pons genoem word.Slaan of slaan met krag of impak.Die presiese betekenis van "slaan" kan afhang van die konteks waarin die woord gebruik word.

Sentence Examples

  1. Wheeling the heavier man round with a brutal grip on his shoulder, he had delivered an accurate and teeth-cracking punch.
  2. Catherine could not hear the words, but the final comment was a punch to the head from Alan which knocked Richard to the floor.
  3. My right shot out like a piston, catching him square on the jaw with a straight punch.
  4. The second caught me in the eye with a good punch.
  5. She was trying to punch me, and I was clawing back, hoping to gouge her eyes.
  6. I might not be able to hit them with magic, but I could knock them off balance, and it gave me the chance to get a good punch in.
  7. With one hand Sintian continued to punch Jed whilst the other squeezed like a vice around his neck, all magic forgotten.
  8. Unfortunately for him, no one outside of Chuck Liddell could land that punch.
  9. A handful of boxes were stacked in one corner, next to a punch bag.
  10. The demon struggled but with one punch Arantay put him to sleep.