English to afrikaans meaning of

Die woordeboekbetekenis van PTSV is "posttraumatiese stresversteuring". PTSV is 'n geestesgesondheidstoestand wat kan ontwikkel by mense wat 'n traumatiese gebeurtenis soos militêre gevegte, seksuele of fisiese aanranding, natuurrampe of ernstige ongelukke ervaar of gesien het. Dit word gekenmerk deur simptome soos terugflitse, nagmerries, vermydingsgedrag, hiperopwekking en negatiewe veranderinge in bui en kognisie. Behandeling vir PTSV behels tipies terapie en medikasie, en kan individue help om van die gevolge van trauma te herstel en 'n gevoel van beheer oor hul lewens te herwin.


  1. posttraumatic stress disorder

Sentence Examples

  1. The Army had really started to crack down on soldiers and officers they thought had PTSD.
  2. The VA psychiatrist had convinced himself Daniel Markis was a full-blown PTSD case, a danger to himself and society, and nothing Markis said could convince him otherwise.
  3. It will improve his mental state, the PTSD his file talked about, and fix his lingering injuries.
  4. Is it the rampant violent crime, or alcoholism, or the PTSD of veterans like me?