English to afrikaans meaning of

Die woordeboekdefinisie van die woord "nabyheid" is die toestand of kwaliteit van nabywees in ruimte, tyd of verhouding. Dit verwys na die nabyheid of nabyheid van iets aan iets anders. Byvoorbeeld, jy kan praat oor die nabyheid van twee geboue, die nabyheid van 'n sperdatum of die nabyheid van twee mense in 'n verhouding. Dit kan ook verwys na 'n noue benadering of kontak met iets, soos die nabyheid van 'n komeet aan die Aarde.


  1. propinquity

Sentence Examples

  1. With your left hand you caressed him and kept him off, while your right, holding the parchment, was permitted to fall listlessly between your knees, and in close proximity to the fire.
  2. Despite his proximity to the blast, which had thrown him into the arch, it very well saved him from the bulk of the blast, and from death.
  3. It was the proximity of his face to mine and his musky, masculine scent that had me breathing heavy.
  4. As he raced forward, the soldiers barring the path were tossed aside just being in his proximity, weapons scattering from surprised hands.
  5. I was mesmerized by his close proximity and his bewitching eyes.
  6. Somehow the plastic I had wrapped them in, the proximity in the closet, it all helped to keep them safe.
  7. It so happened that there was no one at the moment on Tate Hill Pier, as all those whose houses are in close proximity were either in bed or were out on the heights above.
  8. Bending down, she brushed her lips over his ear and spoke directly into it, so low he had to strain to hear her despite her proximity.
  9. I moved to a narrow walkway, risking its proximity to the voices for a better view.
  10. Were they Caravanists, as the proximity to the Mallay enclave might suggest?