English to afrikaans meaning of

Die woordeboekdefinisie van "uitgelok" is om 'n reaksie of gevoel, tipies 'n sterk of negatiewe een, by iemand aangehits, gestimuleer of veroorsaak het. Dit kan ook beteken dat iemand kwaad, geïrriteerd of geïrriteerd laat voel het.


  1. aggravated

Sentence Examples

  1. She was exhausted, and, if he pressed her, provoked her to lash at him, even rile her up a bit, he knew he stood a better chance at making her talk now than ever before.
  2. Izevel is wise enough to make her changes slowly, except when provoked.
  3. It was not so much the conviction that she was disinherited that caused her grief, but her total inability to account for the feelings which had provoked her grandfather to such an act.
  4. The ugly monster, when he saw me, distorted several ways every feature of his visage, and stared as at an object he had never seen before then approaching nearer, lifted up his forepaw, whether out of curiosity or mischief I could not tell but I drew my hanger, and gave him a good blow with the flat side of it, for I durst not strike him with the edge, fearing the inhabitants might be provoked against me, if they should come to know that I had killed or maimed any of their cattle.
  5. And the king, when he is highest provoked, and most determined to press a city to rubbish, orders the island to descend with great gentleness, out of a pretense of tenderness to his people, but indeed for fear of breaking the adamantine bottom in which case, it is the opinion of all their philosophers, that the loadstone could no longer hold it up, and the whole mass would fall to the ground.
  6. Call me sick and twisted, but I was glad to have provoked him.
  7. The truths I had already given her had provoked her enough.
  8. You make impulsive decisions when provoked, and yet I have watched you brighten a room with your unguarded compassion and openness to new experiences.
  9. He had provoked the spectre by thinking of St Michael and an exorcist he needed one more than ever now.
  10. But to do this, we need to find what may have provoked this incident.