English to afrikaans meaning of

Volgens die woordeboek is die betekenis van die woord "voorspoed":Selfstandige naamwoord:Die toestand van welvarend wees; rykdom, sukses of ekonomiese welstand.Die toestand om gunstige omstandighede te geniet, soos geluk, oorvloed of vooruitgang.Voorbeeldsin: "Die land het 'n tydperk van ekonomiese voorspoed beleef na die implementering van suksesvolle finansiƫle hervormings."

Sentence Examples

  1. But with prosperity came a focus on fine dresses and social gatherings.
  2. They eventually achieved peace, prosperity and comfort.
  3. Sancho followed him on foot, leading by the halter, as his custom was, his ass, his constant comrade in prosperity or adversity and advancing some distance through the shady chestnut trees they came upon a little meadow at the foot of some high rocks, down which a mighty rush of water flung itself.
  4. On the branches of the cedars were perched large eagles amid the foliage of the weeping willows were herons, solemnly standing on one leg and on every hand were crows, ducks, hawks, wild birds, and a multitude of cranes, which the Japanese consider sacred, and which to their minds symbolise long life and prosperity.
  5. The possibilities for peace and prosperity had no bounds when you knew the objectives and desires of your enemies.
  6. My father is still alive, though dying with anxiety to hear of his eldest son, and he prays God unceasingly that death may not close his eyes until he has looked upon those of his son but with regard to him what surprises me is, that having so much common sense as he had, he should have neglected to give any intelligence about himself, either in his troubles and sufferings, or in his prosperity, for if his father or any of us had known of his condition he need not have waited for that miracle of the reed to obtain his ransom but what now disquiets me is the uncertainty whether those Frenchmen may have restored him to liberty, or murdered him to hide the robbery.
  7. That the question therefore was not whether a man would choose to be always in the prime of youth, attended with prosperity and health, but how he would pass a perpetual life under all the usual disadvantages which old age brings along with it.
  8. All those years, except the first few, represented the greatest prosperity and prominence the kingdom had ever known.
  9. As High King, his responsibility was to care for his people, to maintain such order that prosperity could be had by all.
  10. Whether thus adorned she would have been beautiful or not, and what she must have been in her prosperity, may be imagined from the beauty remaining to her after so many hardships for, as everyone knows, the beauty of some women has its times and its seasons, and is increased or diminished by chance causes and naturally the emotions of the mind will heighten or impair it, though indeed more frequently they totally destroy it.