English to afrikaans meaning of

Die woordeboekbetekenis van die woord "voornemende" hou verband met of effektief vanaf 'n toekomstige datum; waarskynlik of na verwagting sal gebeur of word; potensieel of waarskynlik sal word of wees. Dit kan ook verwys na iemand wat 'n potensiƫle kandidaat vir 'n pos is of iemand wat iets as 'n moontlikheid oorweeg of daarna kyk.

Sentence Examples

  1. Here the power brokers within the city come with their prospective clients to broker their deals.
  2. The history of human knowledge has so uninterruptedly shown that to collateral, or incidental, or accidental events we are indebted for the most numerous and most valuable discoveries, that it has at length become necessary, in any prospective view of improvement, to make not only large, but the largest allowances for inventions that shall arise by chance, and quite out of the range of ordinary expectation.
  3. His emotions made him feel strange in the presence of men who talked excitedly of a prospective battle as of a drama they were about to witness, with nothing but eagerness and curiosity apparent in their faces.
  4. Before long the conversations turned to our future and prospective marriage.
  5. For some reason I was always nervous when talking with a prospective client, especially a female one.
  6. Chances are the agent showed around a prospective buyer.
  7. Hopeful managers who submit prospective budgets are almost always disappointed as their superiors are forced to cut back their anticipated expenses.
  8. You have been holding out on your prospective allies.
  9. Scattered around the table were lists of prospective witnesses and ledgers of all the people on Avalon.
  10. Prospective agents can sign up and dive into this dangerous new adventure with Skylar Robbins and her BFF, Alexa.