English to afrikaans meaning of

Die woord "rekwisiete" kan verskillende betekenisse hê, afhangende van die konteks, maar hier is 'n paar van die mees algemene woordeboekdefinisies:(selfstandige naamwoord) Kort vir "eienskappe", wat verwys na die voorwerpe wat in 'n toneelstuk, fliek of ander opvoering gebruik word om 'n spesifieke toneel of omgewing te skep.(selfstandige naamwoord) Lof of erkenning wat aan iemand gegee word vir hul prestasie of moeite.(selfstandige naamwoord) Ondersteuning of bystand wat aan iemand gegee word om hulle te help om iets te bereik.(werkwoord) Om te gee ondersteuning of bystand aan iemand, of om hulle van die nodige hulpbronne te voorsien om iets te bereik.(selfstandige naamwoord, sleng) Kort vir "behoorlike respek", wat beteken om respek of bewondering te toon. vir iemand of iets.(selfstandige naamwoord, sleng) Kort vir "eienaar", wat die eienaar of bestuurder van 'n besigheid of onderneming beteken.

Sentence Examples

  1. She somehow holds back another scream as the nurse props her broken ankle up on a second chair.
  2. David Markis slammed the throttles back to idle, feathered the props and hit the brakes as wild cheering broke out among the passengers.
  3. The hallway was littered with props, and Kadamba pushed the man through, telling him to go to the stage.
  4. They told how the house had been cluttered with film props and memorabilia, photos of movie stars, past and present.
  5. If, then, the mine of her honour, beauty, virtue, and modesty yields thee without labour all the wealth it contains and thou canst wish for, why wilt thou dig the earth in search of fresh veins, of new unknown treasure, risking the collapse of all, since it but rests on the feeble props of her weak nature?
  6. Dead for so many years, they were little more than props now.