English to afrikaans meaning of

Die woordeboekbetekenis van die woord "behoorlik" kan afhang van die konteks daarvan, maar hier is 'n paar van sy mees algemene definisies:Gepas, geskik of korrek vir 'n spesifieke situasie of doel. Voorbeeld: "Dit is belangrik om behoorlike klere te dra vir 'n werksonderhoud."Streng aan gevestigde standaarde of reëls voldoen. Voorbeeld: "Die regte manier om 'n regter aan te spreek is 'U Edele.'"Behoort of verwant uitsluitlik aan 'n spesifieke persoon, groep of ding. Voorbeeld: "Die eienaam van die hoofstad van Frankryk is Parys."In goeie orde of toestand; bevredigend. Voorbeeld: "Ek moet seker maak dat my motor in 'n behoorlike werkende toestand is voordat ek 'n lang reis neem."Volledig of deeglik. Voorbeeld: "Ek het haar 'n behoorlike inleiding tot die span en die maatskappy se waardes gegee."

Sentence Examples

  1. She kept her eyes lowered in what Cianne felt was undue deference, but, then, Vivie was nothing if not proper.
  2. Facial recognition has helped our operations, although a few people have gotten in without proper access.
  3. His Alpha powers radiated from him, and all showed the proper respect.
  4. Those gave me goals to work towards, and I would spend untold hours practicing how to tie different knots or proper ways to prepare the fish we caught.
  5. Now that they were in the city proper she could do so from rooftops.
  6. The buildings in the enclave were spaced farther apart than those in the city, precluding her from traveling via the rooftops, as she did when she prowled the city proper.
  7. His continued support for a failing athletics department while neglecting the proper education of our beloved student population has made it impossible for me to stand down.
  8. Richard begins discussing how wine is necessary for proper digestion and that it should be de rigueur on press trips while Winnie raises her eyebrows in disgust.
  9. The Pacific Railroad proper finds its terminus at this important Nebraska town.
  10. Finally, we exploded through the archway into the town proper, but our pursuers were still hot on our heels.

TV Series Examples



by their proper titles.



The proper course is clear -



That was a proper battle.