English to afrikaans meaning of

Die woordeboekdefinisie van "bevorder" is om die groei of ontwikkeling van iets of iemand te bevorder of te ondersteun. Dit kan die aanmoediging of fasilitering van vordering behels, bewusmaking, die verskaffing van hulp of hulpbronne, of pleit vir 'n bepaalde saak of persoon. In 'n besigheids- of professionele konteks kan promosie bemarking of advertering van 'n produk of diens behels om verkope te verhoog of kliënte te lok, of om 'n werknemer se loopbaan te bevorder deur geleenthede vir bevordering of erkenning te bied. Oor die algemeen impliseer promosie om aksie te neem om die status, sigbaarheid of sukses van iets of iemand aktief te bevorder of te verbeter.

Sentence Examples

  1. Why would he promote an inexperienced man to such a high rank?
  2. She just needed a kernel of a concept, a base for everything she would use to promote the company.
  3. To aggressively promote BBB, we were doing awareness days throughout the country.
  4. Alas, his crusade sought to promote peace and justice, but the authorities might choose to overlook that fact.
  5. Kayla recognized the OmniLab medicinal cream used to promote healing.
  6. Neither father nor mother could promote, and the daughter could not endure it.
  7. The purpose of the competition was to promote entrepreneurship and specifically to promote the start up of small and medium enterprises.
  8. When asked how he intended to promote his product, which we thought would be critical to any possible success, our entrepreneur had a one-word answer, advertising.
  9. TechnoServe and Africa Harvest had been funded by the Rockefeller Foundation to promote banana growing by small farmers north of Nairobi.