English to afrikaans meaning of

Die woord "gaan voort" is 'n werkwoord met veelvuldige betekenisse. Hier is 'n paar algemene definisies:Om vorentoe te beweeg of voort te gaan: "Gaan voort" kan verwys na fisies vorentoe beweeg of op een of ander manier vorder. Byvoorbeeld, "Ons het in die straat voortgegaan" of "Die projek gaan volgens plan voort."Om 'n aksie te onderneem of te begin: "Gaan voort" kan ook beteken om te begin of 'n bepaalde handeling of optrede uit te voer. Byvoorbeeld, "Gaan asseblief voort met die aanbieding" of "Die komitee sal voortgaan met die ondersoek."Om 'n bepaalde kursus of prosedure te volg: "Gaan voort" kan aandui na 'n voorgeskrewe stel stappe of 'n gespesifiseerde volgorde. Byvoorbeeld, "Jy moet soos volg voortgaan" of "Om 'n kaartjie te bespreek, gaan voort na die aanlyn betaalpunt."Om te kom of vandaan te kom: In sommige kontekste, "gaan voort " kan beteken om van 'n spesifieke bron af te kom of 'n spesifieke oorsprong te hê. Byvoorbeeld, "Die fondse sal voortgaan uit die verkoop van die eiendom."Oor die algemeen impliseer "gaan voort" 'n gevoel van voorwaartse beweging, voortsetting of aanvang van 'n aksie of proses. Die spesifieke betekenis van die woord kan verskil na gelang van die konteks waarin dit gebruik word.


  1. go

Sentence Examples

  1. The train did not proceed rapidly counting the stoppages, it did not run more than twenty miles an hour, which was a sufficient speed, however, to enable it to reach Omaha within its designated time.
  2. Green meant you could proceed, while red meant you had to wait.
  3. The vessel continued to proceed with all steam on but on the 18th, the engineer, as he had predicted, announced that the coal would give out in the course of the day.
  4. The limited nature of my education in general, and more especially my ignorance on subjects connected with natural philosophy, so far from rendering me diffident of my own ability to comprehend what I had read, or inducing me to mistrust the many vague notions which had arisen in consequence, merely served as a farther stimulus to imagination and I was vain enough, or perhaps reasonable enough, to doubt whether those crude ideas which, arising in ill-regulated minds, have all the appearance, may not often in effect possess all the force, the reality, and other inherent properties, of instinct or intuition whether, to proceed a step farther, profundity itself might not, in matters of a purely speculative nature, be detected as a legitimate source of falsity and error.
  5. I shall now proceed to lay before you the result of an attempt so apparently audacious in conception, and, at all events, so utterly unparalleled in the annals of mankind.
  6. The two guards immediately began jostling the crowd aside to make room for us to proceed.
  7. With only one way to proceed, we made our way through the passage in silence.
  8. Phileas Fogg intended to proceed at once to the Hong Kong steamer, in order to get Aouda comfortably settled for the voyage.
  9. The steamer was forced to proceed slowly, and the captain estimated that she would reach Hong Kong twenty hours behind time, and more if the storm lasted.
  10. Proceed precisely as you planned, but know that I will be watching and listening the entire time.