English to afrikaans meaning of

Die woordeboekbetekenis van die woord "voorreg" is 'n spesiale reg, voordeel of immuniteit wat slegs aan 'n bepaalde persoon of groep mense verleen of beskikbaar is. Dit kan ook verwys na 'n unieke geleentheid of voordeel wat nie vir almal beskikbaar is nie. Voorregte kan verleen word op grond van 'n verskeidenheid faktore, soos rykdom, sosiale status, ras, geslag, opvoeding of beroep. In sommige gevalle word voorregte geërf of verkry deur persoonlike verbintenisse of affiliasies.

Sentence Examples

  1. It was my privilege to be your friend and guide when you came from the schoolroom to prepare for the world of life.
  2. That was his privilege as a wheelchair-bound paraplegic, though it also meant that there was a lot of rubbish in front of his door, and a lot of noise from loitering youths.
  3. The situation on the island really is as Celestino would have it held by its neck by a bow tie of pomp and privilege.
  4. You abuse the privilege of using his first name by being overly familiar.
  5. And as it is the privilege and charm of beauty to win the heart and secure good-will, all forthwith became eager to show kindness and attention to the lovely Moor.
  6. To which Sancho made answer that by the law of chivalry his master had received he would not pay a rap, though it cost him his life for the excellent and ancient usage of knights-errant was not going to be violated by him, nor should the squires of such as were yet to come into the world ever complain of him or reproach him with breaking so just a privilege.
  7. Having grown up surrounded by privilege, she had few practical skills.
  8. I have worked very hard all my life for that privilege.
  9. But besides all this, he reminded him that if he prided himself on being a gentleman and a Christian, he could not do otherwise than keep his plighted word and that in doing so he would obey God and meet the approval of all sensible people, who know and recognised it to be the privilege of beauty, even in one of humble birth, provided virtue accompany it, to be able to raise itself to the level of any rank, without any slur upon him who places it upon an equality with himself and furthermore that when the potent sway of passion asserts itself, so long as there be no mixture of sin in it, he is not to be blamed who gives way to it.
  10. But the boy behaved as if this privilege were his due, or worse still, a barely adequate compensation for having to live in this appalling basement flat in the first place.