English to afrikaans meaning of

Die woord "prima" het veelvuldige betekenisse, afhangende van die konteks. Hier is 'n paar algemene definisies:Byvoeglike naamwoord: a. Eerstens in belangrikheid, kwaliteit of waarde; skoolhoof of hoof. b. Uitstekend, van die hoogste gehalte of standaard. c. Van of met betrekking tot die tydperk van die grootste krag of produktiwiteit; prime of life.Selfstandige naamwoord: a. 'n Toestand of tyd van die grootste krag, krag of sukses. b. Die beste of mees florerende stadium of toestand van iets. c. 'n Priemgetal, wat 'n natuurlike getal groter as 1 is wat geen positiewe delers behalwe 1 en homself het nie.Werkwoord: a. Om voor te berei of gereed te maak vir gebruik, aksie of doel. b. Om iemand gereed of geskik te maak vir 'n bepaalde rol of doel.Bywoord: a. Op 'n primêre of uitstekende wyse. b. In wiskunde verwys dit na die verhoging van 'n getal tot die eerste mag.Neem asseblief kennis dat dit algemene definisies is, en die woord "prime" kan addisionele betekenisse of spesifieke gebruik hê in verskeie velde soos wiskunde, musiek, kookkuns of tegnologie.

Sentence Examples

  1. The Western Prime was the oldest of the four, and there was speculation he was the most powerful vamp in the world.
  2. I regarded the Western Prime, standing some ten feet away, and realized two things.
  3. Dressed in a fine Italian suit, which fit his tall, leanly muscled form to perfection, the Prime of the Western United States fixed bright green eyes on Mal.
  4. The prime responders were the ones worst hit, catching the virus from those they interacted with and spreading it on to further victims.
  5. There was no way my dad had been flying to Seattle to meet with the Western Prime.
  6. All three trade Houses had enclaves in the city, each in a prime location.
  7. The fact that the Prime had access to my every thought made me twitch with discomfort.
  8. I hissed in pain, the Prime recoiled, and Mal grabbed my arm as electricity surged.
  9. I explained that other than Shirley and Maria, no one could have known I would turn up at the restaurant, which I supposed made them prime suspects.
  10. The Prime focused on my uncle, a frown pinching the skin between dark brows.