English to afrikaans meaning of

Die woordeboekbetekenis van die woord "trots" is 'n gevoel van diepe plesier of bevrediging wat verkry word uit 'n mens se prestasies, eienskappe of besittings, of dié van iemand met wie jy nou geassosieer is. Dit kan ook verwys na 'n gevoel van tevredenheid of geluk wat voortspruit uit een of ander daad, besitting of verhouding, of uit 'n sekere toestand of toestand. Daarbenewens kan dit 'n hoë of buitensporige hoë mening van jouself of jou belangrikheid, arrogansie of verwaandheid beteken.

Sentence Examples

  1. The fact that not one drop was lost on the slide home was a testament to the pride Peeper took in his bar.
  2. You may not have directly killed her father, and who knows how many others, with your lousy oatmeal, but you stole their government checks and any remnants of their pride.
  3. Yaiza speaks to me of a civic pride born of new wealth, Teguise of the wealth accumulated by the Spanish colonists and honourable Lanzaroteños largely through trade with the Americas.
  4. Not only was I disappointed, but my pride lay splattered all over the floor.
  5. It was Hal who spoke, his voice holding a ring of pride in their success.
  6. As much as she hated to admit it, the thought pricked at her pride.
  7. At least we can take pride in the positive impacts the baseball players have brought to Braxton this year.
  8. Thirty minutes later, I continued to swallow my pride as she chastised me for being late and getting pulled over.
  9. Her shining copper sheathing, her galvanised iron-work, her deck, white as ivory, betrayed the pride taken by John Bunsby in making her presentable.
  10. His once athletic frame had sagged and the sharp and agile mind he had taken such pride in had begun to desert him.