English to afrikaans meaning of

Die woord "presidio" het verskillende betekenisse na gelang van die konteks. Hier is die twee mees algemene definisies:Selfstandige naamwoord: In historiese kontekste verwys 'n "presidio" na 'n versterkte militêre nedersetting of garnisoen wat deur die Spanjaarde in gebiede onder hul beheer gevestig is. Hierdie presidios is tipies op strategiese plekke gebou om teen eksterne bedreigings te verdedig of beheer oor 'n streek te behou.Eigennaam: "Presidio" kan ook verwys na spesifieke plekke of instellings. Dit kan byvoorbeeld "Presidio" as 'n geografiese ligging aandui, soos die Presidio van San Francisco, wat 'n park en voormalige militêre basis in Kalifornië, Verenigde State is. Daarbenewens kan "Presidio" gebruik word om te verwys na verskeie organisasies of besighede wat die term as deel van hul naam aanneem.Dit is belangrik om daarop te let dat die presiese betekenis van " presidio" kan wissel na gelang van die historiese of geografiese konteks waarin dit gebruik word.

Sentence Examples

  1. Presently he chuckled as if well pleased, then mounted and rode slowly toward the path that led to the presidio.
  2. There remained at the presidio no more than half a dozen soldiers, for the greater part of the garrison had gone with Sergeant Gonzales, and of these half-dozen four were on the sick list and two were necessary as guards.
  3. He knew the horse the native rode, and judged that he had reached the presidio at Reina de Los Angeles before this, and that the soldiers were on their way.
  4. With deep respect, Roman, Comandante and Captain, Presidio, Reina de Los Angeles.
  5. It was not the highwayman returned it was Captain Ramon, comandante of the presidio at Reina de Los Angeles.
  6. And tonight, when the alarm came, I was not at the presidio, but at the residence of a friend.
  7. He rides far from any presidio, does this pretty Senor Zorro!
  8. Sergeant Pedro Gonzales, by virtue of his rank and size, hogged the fireplace, and a corporal and three soldiers from the presidio sat at table a little in rear of him, drinking their thin wine and playing at cards.
  9. Sergeant Pedro Gonzales was there with a score of troopers, almost all that were stationed at the local presidio, and they were preparing for the chase of Senor Zorro.
  10. Senor Zorro knew how affairs stood at the presidio, knew to a man how many of the soldiery were there, and that four were ill with a fever, and that there was but one well man now besides the captain since one had ridden away.